Nexamp Developer Accelerator Program


Nexamp owes much of its success to the strength of its talented, local development teams. Our unique business model – as a fully-integrated developer, EPC, owner, operator, and consumer decarbonization platform – has positioned us as a leading DG and community solar asset owner and a natural financing partner to experienced developer teams, nationally. Now, Nexamp aims to extend access to those same resources to a growing network of mission-driven solar, energy storage, and EV infrastructure teams advancing the clean energy revolution through our Developer Accelerator Program.


Through the Developer Accelerator Program, Nexamp provides financing for early stage development assets in mature and emerging markets alike. Financing is provided at highly competitive interest rates, with flexible terms designed to encourage efficient development practices and optimize total project value. In addition to funding development costs, Nexamp offers attractive up-front cash payments to support our program partners’ working capital needs and pipeline expansion efforts.


Project valuations are determined by a shared Pricing Calculator maintained by Nexamp, subject to mutually agreeable project-level inputs and applicable program inputs. The Pricing Calculator will be responsive to available program structures and market-specific inputs, with assumptions to be fixed at an appropriate development maturity milestone. This allows the Developer to see, in real-time, how project attribute and expense assumptions would impact their expected development fee from Nexamp.


Operational: The parties maintain shared resources – including (i) a project tracker monitoring the status of key development items, (ii) a pipeline tracker showing the status of upcoming Developer projects, (iii) project-level data rooms, and (iv) the Pricing Calculator – to enhance operational efficiency.

Outcomes: The Developer Accelerator Program is designed to give our expert partners the confidence to focus on quality asset development and to scale at their desired pace. Our transparent terms ensure the parties’ interests are aligned, and provide real optionality for our Developer partners to market-test for competitiveness (for example, the program structure allows for Developer to utilize third-party EPC providers when appropriate and beneficial for a project).


Target Markets and Capacity: Nexamp and Developer agree on target markets and mutual capacity goals over the initial term of the program (typically at least one year). Nexamp and Developer enter into a Project Financing Agreement (PFA) setting forth the key terms of the program.


  1. Developer will submit a project for inclusion upon achievement of basic development milestones (e.g. site control and viability, interconnection application)
  2. The parties will enter into a standard membership interest purchase agreement for each project based on form established simultaneously with the PFA.
  3. Developer will maintain responsibility for day-to-day development services of the project until at least NTP.
  4. Following Closing, Nexamp will advance all reasonable third party development costs (subject to certain limitations including agreed-upon budget guidance). Developer fee is earned at the following fixed milestones (i) closing, (ii) NTP-Ready, and (iii) PTO.