Nexamp is committed to being socially and environmentally conscious in the communities in which we live and work. This requires us to set high standards for ourselves. It is just as important to Nexamp that the vendors we work with also uphold these values, and that the fundamental human rights of workers are protected. We expect that all of our suppliers abide by the following labor standards:
- Employment is voluntary.
- Child labor is never used.
- Working conditions are safe.
- Harsh or inhumane treatment of employees is not tolerated.
- Local laws are followed and enforced.
- Sound, environmentally conscious manufacturing processes are followed.
Nexamp has a multifaceted approach to ensure our suppliers meet these ethical standards:
- We avoid working with suppliers that have manufacturing facilities in regions that have a history of human rights abuses.
- In geographic areas of concern, we contract with third party experts to inspect supplier manufacturing facilities to ensure that the working conditions and product output meet our ethical and safety standards.
- Our primary suppliers certify that they follow our supplier code of conduct.
Nexamp works closely with our suppliers to ensure their business practices adhere to our environmental and social guidelines. If issues with the supply chain arise, Nexamp will work directly with the supplier to rectify the situation and enact positive change. If issues are not resolved quickly, or are in violation of our standards, we will terminate our business relationship.
Nexamp also continues to work with industry leaders to ensure that ethical and sustainable supply chain practices are adopted. We have signed the Solar Industry Forced Labor Prevention Pledge, developed by the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA), and are working with SEIA on establishing an industry-wide Solar Supply Chain Traceability Protocol. With their support, we are committed to elevating the urgency of these issues and imposing greater supply chain transparency and accountability.